Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How To Convert a Garden Cart into a Small Wagon to Pull With a Single Ox

Cart for Single Ox: You can easily convert a garden cart into a small wagon to pull with a growing, single ox. This would also work well as a second use for a riding steer. The cart works excellently for training, and now I have some real uses for that hay-burner in the barn.

The video demonstrates the conversion I did on our cart, using parts I had around the shop. It also shows a way to eliminate the chance of the ox getting a leg tangled in, or abraded by, a trace-chain.

Documentary: The Red River Cart

Here's a 2 minute, made for TV documentary on The Red River Cart. It gives a Canadian and Metis perspective on the history of the cart. The video reminds us that The Red River Cart "stands as one of many glorious achievements of the Metis people."
Published on YouTube by APTNDigitalNations along with sixty-two other videos with titles like Tea Dolls, Tipis, York Boats, Kamiks, and Sled Dogs; produced by FootPrints Aboriginal Expressions; featuring Rachelle White Wind, and Andrew Clark; narrated by Doug Bedard, and written by Lorre Jenson. View APTNDigitalNations videos here: http://www.youtube.com/user/APTNDigitalNations