Saturday, July 23, 2011

Making a Nova Scotian Style Head Yoke for Oxen

These three videos were produced by Charing Cross Production in cooperation with Ross Farm Museum, the videos were created to show  Roy Levy, a grandfather, passing on the skill of yoke making to his grandson Brandon. Watch as they work together to create a yoke. These videos are links to Ross Farm Museum's YouTube Channel.

Storybrookeripples:ox and dog blog has no affiliation with Ross Farm Museum and holds no rights to these videos or their content. Special thanks to Brandon and Roy Levy for sharing their skills, and to Ross Farm Museum and Charing Cross Production for making this possible.

 Ross Farm Museum is a living, working, farm museum depicting 150 years of agriculture in Nova Scotia.  Ross Farm Museum is still being farmed with Oxen, the way it was in the late 1800's

1 comment:

  1. I never saw a yoke being made or strapped to an ox before so I enjoyed your videos and found them very informative. I do enjoy seeing the beautiful oxen hauling the carts such as a number of years ago from New Ross to Chester Basin during the Chester Basin 250th Anniversary. Oxen teams from Ross Farm to Chester Basin
