Monday, September 6, 2010

Turning the Sod

Throwing Their Shoulders into the Yoke

The Plowman Works as Hard as the Ox

Job Well Done!

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  1. May I have permission to use one of these photos?

  2. Probably. What is your intended use?

  3. Hi Kaitlin ---
    Yes you may use the picture for any home or school project.

    The only use I can not give permission for would be if it were used in a commercial advertisement, because I do not have the permission for that from the people who are in the pictures and who also own the oxen. (also it can not be used for anything defamatory.)

    I hope this works well for you. If you'd like to share a picture of your project I could post it on my blog. Thank you for your interest and I'm glad you chose one of my pictures to work with.
