Friday, September 3, 2010

Swimming the Narrows with an Ox

Crossing the narrows, between two lakes, with Scout the Ox: On the forum at there was a discussion about being able to lead your steer through puddles as one of the criteria to qualify for the Official Skill Level of Beginner. I wonder if this would pass muster as a puddle?

On the Red River Ox Cart Trails in the 19th Century, crossing streams and rivers with the oxen and their carts was a frequent and necessary task.


  1. Looks like fun! The kids enjoyed this :)

  2. Looks like your new camera takes a great video and/or the lighting was perfect.

  3. Sarah --- Yes it was fun, especially the first few times when Scout pulled me along beside him and swam parallel to the shoreline. Glad the kids enjoyed it too.

    Amy --- Yes, I am very pleased with my new point-and-shoot camera. My garden cart pictures didn't turn out very good but that was because the wrong button got bumped and I didn't have a chance to reshoot. Overall, though, I'm very pleased with the camera.


    yes I am very pleased with my new camera

  4. Hello

    Looking forward to your next post
