Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How To Convert a Garden Cart into a Small Wagon to Pull With a Single Ox

Cart for Single Ox: You can easily convert a garden cart into a small wagon to pull with a growing, single ox. This would also work well as a second use for a riding steer. The cart works excellently for training, and now I have some real uses for that hay-burner in the barn.

The video demonstrates the conversion I did on our cart, using parts I had around the shop. It also shows a way to eliminate the chance of the ox getting a leg tangled in, or abraded by, a trace-chain.


  1. Your videos are looking really nice. What program do you use to put them together?

  2. Thanks. My camera is a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FH20. The images in this video that include me and the ox are screen captures from a video that was extremely over-exposed. They were overexposed because the exposure adjustment setting on the camera accidently got set on a high number.

    I doctored them up as well as I could, and put the video together on the free downloadable Picasa 3 photo editing program.

